Sunday, July 21, 2013

Word Vomit.

I always thought that I was the one who was going to falter and have the hardest time over the next six months. I am the one who cries too much, thinks too much and obsessed over insignificant details. I am the ill one with the misfiring neurons and the constant pain. But at the beginning of all of this I was reassured by someone I love(d). I can still think about him now but it seems like more of a distant memory because now no one loves me and instead of constant happiness there is a fresh wound in my heart each morning and my lungs never have enough oxygen and my chest cavity feels tight and too full. Maybe just a little cut will let some of the pressure spill out. Maybe if I hold my breath under water for almost too long when I break free of the ocean's surface I will inhale sharply enough to fill my lungs back up. There is a way to stop feeling. There is a way tto ensure my heart will never beat so fast and that my lungs will be empty. 

I am distraught because of how what I remember intersects with what I know to be true and what I know to be right. 

I remember the first time I whispered "I love you" before I meant to but not before I felt it. And I was perched on top of him looking down at his face and feeling how warm his skin was beneath my finger tips and listening to his heavy breathing - like every molecule that entered his lungs was praising God for getting the chance to touch him. And even when he said nothing back I felt safe. 

He always made me feel safe from the  first night I kissed him when I was shaking like a leaf because I had no clue what I was doing and I liked someone else. My heart was still reeling from the first person I had ever loved and I was a big old mess. A mess getting smaller and smaller. I didn't need help being messy. I didn't need help with anything except not being alone for one night. And I knew it was all bullshit because of how many times he told me I was beautiful and how many times he kept asking me why, pretending like he wanted to get to know me. 

Men are destructive but not in the same way a fire is because a fire will never let you think you are safe. A fire is blatant and honest and once you see it you know that it's intention is to burn. It wants to destroy. Men are more like rainstorms - comforting, peaceful until things get too heavy and flood waters begin to rise. Before you can get out safely you will drown and in your last moments of drowning you will still feel like you are safe. 

Despite my belief that it wasn't worth it and my disinterest in being in love, I feel as if it were inevitable. We tried being "just friends" a few times but it always went back to sex. As much as (now) you would like to pretend that I was the one who was interested in you I know you were interested in me too because some things are just too difficult to fake and falling in love has to be real. 

I remember before Christmas break I worried about us being apart from each other because it was too soon and I had only just gotten to know you. But the night before I left we spent the whole night together. I remember the candle light moving waves of color across your face, and occasionally illuminating how light your eyes were. I remember your chest beneath my head as piles of my hair invaded your faces orifices and your hands were wrapped around me, protecting me and keeping me warm. I remember the feeling of warm water flowing down my skin and your hands massaging shampoo in my hair with almost too much caution. I remember how you smelled like Old Spice right out of the shower and the way your hair felt soft and fuzzy when you were drying off. 

It feels like my memories are almost made up. Do you remember anything about me or why you love(d) me? Is anything about me interesting or appealing except for the fact that I do the right things? Am I hollow? Am I empty? What am I worth to anyone? 

A placeholder until someone better comes along. Someone who will never cry or get angry. Or someone pretty with lighter skin and hair down to their back that never gets in your mouth. Maybe someone with a little mermaid voice who never tells you to stop singing and won't want to hang out with you all weekend long and ruin whatever plans you may have had. 

It's hard to stop my mind from eating away at me. I feel as if I am constantly fighting. 

I am saying to myself "HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE" over and over almost taunting myself with it. He's still my phone background - a picture of us from a trip to NYC. The same picture is on my computer, but maybe that's denial more than anything else. I went through the hundreds of pictures I took of him in my iPhoto. I saw what being in love was like and I still see it. I'm holding pieces of my heart together waiting for him to say the right words or at least realize that he wants to say them. 

How can he forget. How can he not love me. We were what seemed like the perfect couple and although things moved quickly I thought that's ecause that was what happened when thugs were right. It's what happens when you meet someone who you are inexplicably drawn to. I believe in love and I believe in happy endings and I don't want that to change. I'm powerless - another one of my biggest fears that therapy has done nothing for. Maybe my mistake is always pursuing people who love God more than they could love a human being. 

Obsessed with the intangible. Escapists. Damaged men who keep running away from people who love them in hopes of finding something/someone more esoteric. I wonder if they will ever give up the hunt for what is not real in favor of something present and possible. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013


I woke up with a scratch across my throat. It feels almost symbolic. My chest and back and heart feel heavy and explosive. And I wonder if this feeling will be disarmed or if I will simply be allowed to explode. I fear emptiness, loneliness and making mistakes. Deep breathing can only get me so far. I almost want to pull the pin myself, and let things shatter around me. Maybe I'm meant to be like this.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


I can't get the screaming in my head to stop. My head has been spinning since last night and I am trying to replay events over in my mind in a mix of masochistic fervor and a contradictory attempt to salvage positive energy that must exist in the depths of my mind. I wonder how I would cope with us being truly separated and I know I would be devastated. But would my true self survive the shift? Would all the work I've done on my personal growth be undone? Even more importantly, would I be happy? Would he be happy? I don't want to think of an answer to the second question because my eyes are already filling with tears; a silent response can sometimes be enough. I know that I wouldn't be happy. I wonder if he is happy with me now and what could have possibly changed between us? I feel the same. I feel stagnant and I feel like he is moving constantly and constantly shifting his perspective. I wish that I could grow up with him and change with him instead of being stuck on this island knowing that we are getting more tense. I feel helpless to the point where I've considered prayer. I want to beg and plead and pretend that some higher power could make things better. But it isn't going to happen. I am a victim of chance. A victim of circumstance. Yet complaining and playing to my belief in my victimization will only make things worse. I need to get to a place of inner peace where I can accept and understand truth in my life. Honesty is so important but it's difficult sometimes when the truth may not be what we want to hear. I believe in honesty, but I also believe in love and romance. I believe that things can be difficult and needing to work on a relationship doesn't mean it's bad or not worth the work. I believe in love. I believe in kisses and hugs and supporting people you care about. I hope that things work out - it's all I can do. That and allow myself to feel. I must be strong. I believe in something. Faith can seem ignorant, but it's honestly the most beautiful thing.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Things I Love

  • Listening to songs that remind me of happy times
  • Shopping for video games online
  • Baking and searching for good recipes
  • Erykah Badu Pandora Radio Station (also Outkast Radio and Pop That Radio) 
  • Ice cold coconut water
  • Making up stories out of emojis
  • Getting ideas from Pinterest
  • Writing out my thoughts
  • Albums from start to finish
  • The fresh feeling right after taking a shower
  • Medium-Ripe mangoes
  • Fresh coffee. 
  • Turning not-so-fresh coffee into iced coffee
  • Finding new & interesting blogs
  • Reading books on a topic I know nothing about
  • Actually taking the time to outline my writing 
  • Chocolate Cake.
  • The beach on a warm day when the water is pristine and clear
  • Shoe Shopping
  • Getting free clothes
  • Cleaning my room
  • Long conversations with my boyfriend
  • Going through an entire day without seeing anything offensive on twitter
  • Doing things on my to-do list
  • Planning trips / vacations

Friday, July 12, 2013

Nugget #

I feel guilty because over the past few days none of the really fulfilling conversations I've had have been with him and I just wish that our conversations were better. How much more effort can I put in? 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

July Fourth - Life Update

  • I'm working in Rituals (a cafĂ© in Choc Bay near Caribbean Cinemas) which is one of the nicer places to go out in St. Lucia. I just paid $6.00 for a cup of coffee; the prices here tend to be huge deterrents.
  • Prices here have gone up a lot since I last came though. The last time, coffee was only $4.00
  • I'm going to start working on MCAT materials now. 
  • I really miss my boyfriend, but planning to see him is making me feel a lot better. I am adjusting to having a lot of time by myself again. I look forward to the hour or two I get to see his face every day. It feels nice. At first I wasn't sure if I could still be in love with someone at this distance, but now I know that it's definitely possible & he still makes me feel happy. 
  • I don't have very much independence here, but I am making do with the little freedom that I have.
  • I recently watched a show called East Los High on Hulu which was made by PoC and starred only Latinos which was amazing.
  • I am behind one season in Dexter so I am catching up on it now.
  • I also inherited a bunch of my mom's old clothing so right now I'm wearing an old dress that my grandmother made for my mom. There is a bunch of other clothing that I want to repurpose & upgrade.