Friday, August 3, 2012

Lazy Summer

Whenever I make bullet pointed posts, know that I am being the laziest I can possibly be. It's awful and I really shouldn't be like that, but I can't help it! This summer I have been busy with Calculus as well as with relaxing and learning how to live with people who I am related to (specifically grandparents, category: paternal). So, here's a list of interesting new things:

Eat up.

  • I love having the power of being the one to not respond to someone's text/e-mail. So twisted, but it's true. I'm normally the person being ignored and I enjoy ignoring people every once in a while.
  • Driving test on August 8th. Hopefully I make it this time. 
  • I've been back in the gym every day since Monday and it's been enough that I'm not feeling extremely sore after working out, but I'm certainly not 100% comfortable. 
  • My dad is training for a half-marathon next week and he should be starting to taper kind of soon. I'm so proud! I'm going to drive him there and cheer him on. Running is hard work and I have so much respect for anyone who can run more than five minutes without wanting to commit.
  • I've obviously been keeping track of the Olympics and I'm impressed with Gabby Douglas. She is freaking amazing. The subtle racism behind media coverage of her is not surprising but very sad. It's 2012 though, so people have to work to hide that stuff a lot better than they used to.
  • I've become so much more relaxed about who I am in the past few days. I don't care about what other people think and my goals are becoming more egocentric, which would be bad under normal circumstances, but for me, it is very good.
  • I'm making progress reading A Short Guide to Writing About Biology. It's really helpful and I wish that I'd read it cover-to-cover last semester.
  • My grandfather is slowly starting to get on the nerves of everyone in my family, including my calm and ever patient dad. It would be funny if it weren't annoying. I'm having to bite my lip to keep my "attitude" at bay. Is it weird that I can't wait to get back to Midd - school and annoying people and everything?

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