Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Personal Update

Thanksgiving Break is today and I'm happily spending the time on Middlebury campus. I slept for twelve and a half hours last night after crashing around seven thirty (in the evening) and woke up today refreshed with a greater sense of what I need to get accomplished this break. There has been so much stewing around in my head that I have been feeling overwhelmed, like I have a lot to sort out. There is a lot I need to get settled but this doesn't mean that I should let all other aspects of my life fall by the wayside.

A few days ago a couple of my friends made "pacts" with regards to diet and study habits. I am unsure as the the actual integrity of these pacts, but I have been slightly inspired to try to create a "pact" of my own with amendments that will be put into place as soon as this break is over.

1. Finish homework as soon as possible before socializing.

2. Try to get to bed before 1 a.m. unless you are working or it is a weekend.

3. Coffee is not a meal. Do not get so excited about caffeinating that you forget about eating.

4. Don't get discouraged to go visit teachers because it is too cold out. That is not a legitimate excuse.

5. Make time for pleasure reading. I know I have time, so I should just work on using it efficiently.

Well this weekend, I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to think of topics to write about, and I may even take some photographs so you can get an idea of what Vermont looks like right now. I am a few steps away from making my home within a hipster cafe for the next few hours, but I might just stick to something a little bit closer to my dorm building.

I have one paper I need to be sure to hand in before Monday, and two assigned movies to watch (Saturday) and I have to get busy reading some Chemistry Chapters so I can be at least somewhat prepared for the final exam which is sure to ruin my life. Oh, and I need to start applying for summer jobs so I can complement the summer classes I want to take at Cornell.

Life as a pre-medical student is very busy, even if I am taking only three classes right now! 

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