Read this comment posted on by someone I'm friends with on Facebook and then read my response below.
There are just so many things wrong with this post. It's difficult to know where to begin, so I've decided to dissect it line by line to dispel any thoughts that any part of this Facebook post is (a) accurate (b) not-racist. It's completely racist. There is no single sentence in this post that doesn't reek of white supremacy and entrenched racism. This reflects the superiority complex prevalent on the political right as well as the sheer ignorance many people brought up in overprivileged white communities experience. Am I surprised that someone would think it was okay to post this on a social networking site? No. Not at all. But I've been quiet way too long for me to see something like this and respond with something simple and dismissive like "the ignorant will remain ignorant" or "stupidity is rampant in society, we can do nothing about it."
Let's get to the good stuff. The beginning of the second sentence reads, "However, the liberal media and president Obama are incorrectly portraying this shooting as a case of White vs. Black racism..." I suppose the author believes that Fox News' approach to the situation is a better one, the news station where Geraldo Rivera claims that black parents just shouldn't allow their kids to wear hoodies because the hoodie was as much to blame as the killer. The liberal media is accurate in their portrayal of this as a case of White vs. Black racism. First of all, George Zimmerman is half-white, half-Hispanic. His features are primarily European; we can assume that his experience in society was equivalent to that of a white man. Being half-white is enough to give someone the assumption of white privilege. True, blacks can be a target of racism from a variety of races, but the media is not incorrect in portraying George Zimmerman as white. The author also tries to detract from the fact that this is a hate crime by trying to make it a political statement, as if a black boy's murder is some grand ploy to discredit the GOP.
Another brilliant addition to this second sentence of supreme wisdom is "...a) there is nothing to prove that Trayvon Martin's race played any part in his murder". How many black men have to be murdered for people to realize that race plays a part in their deaths? How many black men have to be killed on the streets for moral elitists to realize that racism still exists in the United States and it isn't the victims' fault? If this author could look me in the eye and tell me a white boy of that same stature, wearing a hoodie, walking home with Skittles and Iced Tea would have been gunned down, he will not only be lying to my face, but he will be demonstrating how seriously entrenched his racism is. Of course the killer will not say that race had anything to do with it, which, if you want proof, is the only way you can get it. But the fact of the matter is, it was an issue of race. If it wasn't, Zimmerman would have backed down when the police told him to over the phone instead of pursuing and violently murdering an innocent child.
Next, he says that "...Latinos in this country are just as oppressed as Black-Americans." When I got to this part of this status update, I couldn't resist scoffing. I am not saying that Latinos do not face discrimination or outright racism based upon the color of their skin, their language and even their culture but the two are not comparable. First of all, in a hate crime like this one, it doesn't matter if the murderer experienced more or less racism throughout his life. The fact of the matter is, Trayvon Martin was killed because he was black by someone who believed himself to be racially superior to him. Black men are villains in society as soon as they were born. Police brutality is unfairly prejudiced against black men. The brunt of racism exerted by the authorities is focused on black men. The two are not comparable, and should not even be compared at all in this case.
The author proceeds to express frustration with what I assume he believes to be Obama's racism. He says, "What frustrates me most, however, is that President Obama has said 'If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon' which implies that his caring interest in the care stems from the fact that Trayvon looks like him." This was a hate crime. This hate crime was committed because Trayvon Martin was black. The author, so busy practicing his color-blindness, must not have noticed that President Obama is also black. In addressing a hate crime like this that quickly rose to national attention, how could the President ignore race? Brushing the issue of race under the carpet doesn't eliminate racism. Ignoring racism only allows it to become quiet, secretly practiced in the home and then allowed to erupt in hate crimes like this, when people can no longer keep their immense hatred to themselves and explode in extreme violence targeting those who do not deserve it. (Note: No one deserves to be killed by a hate crime.)
The dear poster then suggests that black people must abandon our racial identity for racism to stop. This is yet another example of entrenched white supremacist sentiment. In order to appease his false sense that the United States has racial equality he expects people to abandon their identity and assimilate to his. Black culture is different. Black culture is important. Yet, he proposes we "stop defining our lives and our actions by race, then and only then will the racial divides in our country dissolve." This is racist for, "give up your identity to fit my perception of normal and then I will not discriminate against you and support the systematic murdering of your people." The color of our skin is a part of our ethnicity and a part of our nationality. Ignoring skin color will not allow racism to disappear. If I forget for a second that I am a black woman, this will not change how people see me. I cannot hide my darkness. I cannot hide my unruly hair. I cannot hide my black identity and racial equality doesn't mean I have to hide my identity either. Solving racism isn't going to happen as a result of me pretending not to be black. It's going to be solved by people just not being racist.
Not wanting to leave us at the end of his post with any confusion as to whether or not he is racist, the author blames this hate crime on the President and black people in general. He places the blame of "stereotyping, racism, hate crimes and disunity" on the victims of the entire situation. Make no mistake, black people are the victims here, but in an attempt to make the killing of Trayvon Martin an egocentric event, he ignores the fact that racism and discrimination is caused by a white supremacist attitude and not the people who have to worry about their children being legally gunned down for no reason.
Like most racists, he tries to conceal his true hatred for blacks in a wordy post that blames the victim and the liberal media. It reeks of ignorance and disgusts me to the core. Racism is not controlled by the people on the receiving end of it. It is caused by people who perpetrate racist ideals, people do not take the time to educate themselves, people who believe themselves to be morally superior to everyone around them and people who advocate the false notion that color-blindness can exist. He prefaces his post claiming that he is "horrified" Zimmerman hasn't been arrested. But he shouldn't be. People like him are the reason that Zimmerman is free and Trayvon is dead. People like him are the reason that I live in fear of having black sons. People like him are the reason there will be more Trayvons for years to come.