Friday, June 15, 2012

Cohabitation Stresses

* Instead of emptying the dish rack and putting the dishes in the cupboard, my grandpère spreads them all over the counter which is not very productive and harder for me to put away than if they were just in the dish rack in the first place.

* I feel guilty about taking forty minute luxury summer showers.

* I have to be quiet when I'm getting midnight snacks.

* I get judged for my room being in a disgusting state.

* I get judged for being on my computer / watching tv "all day". I'm sorry I squirrel my reading in under the cover of darkness so it SEEMS like I'm addicted to  video games.

* No internet at home. As an open addict, I see this as a problem. I can't
  • check my e-mail/Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr effectively without leaving my home
  • look up things on google maps so I know how to get to places
  • look up study abroad programs
  • No constant blogging. When I feel like blogging something I have to try to remember it
  • No new music
  • No researching things at the drop of a hat. My education is stagnating.
* My odd sleeping patterns are frowned upon, as is my desire to text, listen to music or be on the phone.

* I am frequently spoken to before I have had coffee for the day. This generally happens at a volume that I do not appreciate and is far too loud for me to deal with before I've started to function. 

* My life revolves around the schedule of the YMCA and the Blue Frog Cafe. 

* I am frequently asked questions about my family members that I don't know the answer to and then asked if I can get the internet where I am. No, your house doesn't have wi-fi, the internet doesn't just happen when I need it. That's not how it works.

* I am asked to fix problems on stone age technology that was invented before Fred Flinstone was born.

That's it. I'm done bitching. There's lots of benefits too... But I need to complain every once in a while to feel human again.

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