Saturday, June 2, 2012

Low Notes - June 2

* I am posting Vlog number 2 later on today or tomorrow morning, depending on when it's done.
* I'm at my favorite café and I officially have a café crush. It's like a Proctor crush except creepier.
* I'm calling this low notes after an old school column in the Circle Voice. I will seriously always be a Groton girl
* Tomorrow my friends from Groton are all graduating! I can't believe it's been a whole year. What.
* This Ethiopian coffee is life changing.
* I have to post the following reviews: Game of Thrones Book I (will have spoilers), Pan's Labyrinth, Matrix
* I am getting my tumblr fix right now.
* I need to stop at Sarvay's Shoe Store soon. I want red flats but I also need to STOP BUYING THINGS. 
* Today I sassed some fatties on the street. This will be mentioned in my blog. And I'm posting another Questionnaire later today so DEAL WITH IT.
* Today I also checked out Star Wars IV and Napoleon Dynamite and I'm not sure which one to watch first.
* I want to write something less egocentric but I can't think of anything so it may be a while. Or I might write something feminist-y. I think my lifelong dry spell might be a sign from the heavens telling me to be more proactive about my feminism.


Edits (around 9pm June 2)
*Started watching the hockey game. Watched LA's goal and decided to call it a night because I'm not in the mood and I am sure I know how this is going to end anyways.

*I'm starting to get lonely here in NY. I thought my sister would come visit for a bit but it turns out that's not until Mid-July.

*My mind is starting to fill up again, so I'm sure I will be writing soon

*I'm thinking about getting rid of my cell phone for anything other than calling my family. Like straight up blocking all non family members from contacting me and eliminating my texting plan. I spend so much time waiting for my friends to text me back or wondering if they will or waiting for people to make plans with me and it's starting to become too much to deal with.

* I also want to delete my Facebook. I know it will mean losing touch with a lot of people, and I kind of need it for doing Form Agent related things and getting pictures of myself to send to my parents so they know what's up with my life, but I don't know if I care to see anymore irrelevant updates or have all my "friends" know every detail of my life. I want to be more anonymous on typical social networking sites and more alive in this world or on tumblr. I'm sick of conforming to what I thought I was supposed to be and I need to start doing my own thing and interacting with the world in my own way. I'm not sure I'm doing that right now.

*I think I might want to do something ridiculous just to pass the time here and like reinvent myself or something stupid, just to see how it works out. I think I'm having a major identity crisis. I hate like 50% of my friends, everything feels so dull and I'm falling into one of my habits of planning an escape to California. Not like I even want to go to California right now. I think I'd be better off in Kansas where no one would ever find me and I'd probably be lost in a field of corn for eternity.

Alright I'm getting off the internet now and going to think happy thoughts in some corner for a while. Chins up my cherubs. Don't let me drag you down. :)

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